Monday, May 5, 2014

Chocolate Semifreddo.

They were old and in the hospital, her time was coming to an end.  He sat by her side as he had done for the past 62 years.  He always loved her, and he would continue to love her.  His hands warmed hers as her heart beat slowed.  He wasn't sad, he didn't even cry.  The only thing he thought about was how beautiful she was, and all the time that he was able to have to love her.  "Thank you," he said, "I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for all that you have given me."  He bent down and kissed her forehead.  "I love you," he said.  "I love you too," she replied.  He sat smiling at her as she closed her eyes and drifted off.

My Mind: chopped and fried with a garnish of madness.

I'm a spontaneous person, right?  I mean, sometimes you say that I have to think through everything I do before I do it, but I have my moments of sheer blind spontaneity.  That is the problem with me.  I either overthink and overanalyzes things to the point that my brain turns to mush and I end up not doing anything.  Or my mind sits and does nothing as it watches my body go and do random things at random places with random people.  I wish I had not only the strength to do the things that I need to accomplish, but also the control.
Yes, sometimes I wish that I could hide under a rock and never come out.  Just let my mind and body rot and never exist again.  But I also sometimes wish that I could fly like a bird, letting my doubts and fears get pulled off my body like a wave on a beach.  My body aches when my friends, those I love with all my heart, lose it.  Lose their minds, their hearts, their feet, being crazy enough to think that they can't get them back (even though they can).  Their mirrors are not just cracked, but have dramatically broken into thousands of pieces and the pieces have artfully sprinkled the ground.  They see the task of putting the pieces back together too great a feat to undertake so they walk away, trying to forget.   I wish that I could fix it for them, but only they know how to put it back together themselves.  Yes, there is the whole "you can bring a horse to water" scenario, but is that what I should be doing?  Using ALL of my strength and energy to push and pull them just so they can stare at their reflections in the water?  Yes, I should, because how do I know if they will drink or not?
I love you, I care about you, I want you to succeed.  I am not just saying this to one particular person, I am saying this to you.  Yes you, the person who is reading this.  Don't ever give up, that is a sign of weakness.  Are you weak? Heck no! You are so incredibly, undeniably, strong.  You may say I'm mad, but hey, the best people are.
I hope you enjoyed the main course, have you saved room for dessert?

The Appetizer: A Refreshing, Light Salad.

          The sun rose.  It was unspeakably beautiful.  The long trek up the mountain that started at 3 in the morning...was finally worth it.  No one spoke a word.  We could hear birds singing, and that was all.  It was like being reborn, and we all got to experience it together.  We were all good friends, but as the sun stretched its light over the valley, we somehow became more than friends, just for that moment.  It was exhilarating, but also calming.  For just that period of time, I felt perfectly fine about everything.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Quote One

One of the most memorable quotes I know came from a random place.  While my family was on a vacation in San Diego, we decided to go swimming.  My aunt was in the hot tub as a really cool, young Australian guy with his children showed up.  His children played in the pool as he talked to my aunt in the hot tub.  He told her something that he always tells his children, and something he lives by: respect each other's wishes.  That has stayed with me for all these years, I always think about it every once in a while.  Sometimes we worry so much about ourselves that we neglect the wishes of others. 

Respect other's wishes.
-amazing Australian guy