*The feeling that comes right after tons of company leaves, and the house is silent and still.
*Going to my loft to read or listen to music or just think.
*The twinkle of tiny lights amid the black night.
*Brushing my teeth.
*Breathing in the warm air when taking a shower.
*Listening to a really good song for the first time.
*Coming home and having my dogs greet me like it's been 10 years since they last saw me.
*Having a really good, long, nondramatic, talk with a friend about ideas rather than other people.
*Hot drinks in the Winter and cold drinks in the Summer.
*The first dive into a swimming pool.
*Having a baby say your name.
*The 4th of July.
*Going on a walk.
*Laying on the grass in my front yard while waiting to be picked up.
*Not having pneumonia. Which I can't get rid of for some reason.
*Waking up without an alarm clock. Probably the most relatable one on the list.
*Going to the grocery store.
*Walking through a book store.
*Strawberries or tomatoes from my yard.
*Cooking something new and having it be heavenly.
*Watching ANY Disney or Harry Potter movie.
*Remembering random childhood memories.
*Being really tired and finally getting into bed.
*When less time has passed than actually thought.
*Getting out of the car after driving for a few hours.
*Accomplishing something that took a lot of work.
*Polishing a song on the piano/guitar/vocal chords.
*Drinking a full glass of water when it has been desperately needed for a long time.
*Meditating, or those moments where all you are thinking about is your breathe.
*Seeing a Shakespeare play, any of them really.
*Riding a horse.
*Visiting new places, and the memories that follow.
*When people let you know that you have touched their lives.
*When people touch your life.
*Dole pineapple whip at Disneyland.
*Violins, those times when they swell.
*Waking up early and getting started on things right away. (This is rare, but wonderful thing).
*My parents' humor.
*Eclipse spearmint gum.
*Mint juleps.
*Reading blog posts that make you sit for a second, dumbfounded about the beauty that you just read.
*Jane Austen. I know...I know... ...also Downton Abbey...
*Meeting really kind, selfless people.
*Flying in an airplane.
*Playing games with friends like we are 7 year olds.
*Temple square at Christmas time.
*Temple square at Springtime.
*I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show, and Bewitched.
*Being home alone.
*Hearing my aunt tell a story, and seeing her get WAY too into it.
*Being outside in the middle of the night, but so warm that you don't even need a jacket.
*Last but certainly not least, the sky. I am utterly obsessed with the sky. Every time you look at it, it's different. Every sunset is unique, and the texture of clouds are always random. I remember one time there was a storm, and half the sky was purple, and the purple swirled together with the storm clouds making a grayish purple monster beside the East mountain line. The middle of the sky was bright blue and the sun was setting making the west a piercing red. I hope you aren't getting too tired of me talking about the sun, I know a few of you might be. But I will never stop talking about the sun, for without it, this world, and all that we know, would be gone.
*Going to my loft to read or listen to music or just think.
*The twinkle of tiny lights amid the black night.
*Brushing my teeth.
*Breathing in the warm air when taking a shower.
*Listening to a really good song for the first time.
*Coming home and having my dogs greet me like it's been 10 years since they last saw me.
*Having a really good, long, nondramatic, talk with a friend about ideas rather than other people.
*Hot drinks in the Winter and cold drinks in the Summer.
*The first dive into a swimming pool.
*Having a baby say your name.
*The 4th of July.
*Going on a walk.
*Laying on the grass in my front yard while waiting to be picked up.
*Not having pneumonia. Which I can't get rid of for some reason.
*Waking up without an alarm clock. Probably the most relatable one on the list.
*Going to the grocery store.
*Walking through a book store.
*Strawberries or tomatoes from my yard.
*Cooking something new and having it be heavenly.
*Watching ANY Disney or Harry Potter movie.
*Remembering random childhood memories.
*Being really tired and finally getting into bed.
*When less time has passed than actually thought.
*Getting out of the car after driving for a few hours.
*Accomplishing something that took a lot of work.
*Polishing a song on the piano/guitar/vocal chords.
*Drinking a full glass of water when it has been desperately needed for a long time.
*Meditating, or those moments where all you are thinking about is your breathe.
*Seeing a Shakespeare play, any of them really.
*Riding a horse.
*Visiting new places, and the memories that follow.
*When people let you know that you have touched their lives.
*When people touch your life.
*Dole pineapple whip at Disneyland.
*Violins, those times when they swell.
*Waking up early and getting started on things right away. (This is rare, but wonderful thing).
*My parents' humor.
*Eclipse spearmint gum.
*Mint juleps.
*Reading blog posts that make you sit for a second, dumbfounded about the beauty that you just read.
*Jane Austen. I know...I know... ...also Downton Abbey...
*Meeting really kind, selfless people.
*Flying in an airplane.
*Playing games with friends like we are 7 year olds.
*Temple square at Christmas time.
*Temple square at Springtime.
*I Love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show, and Bewitched.
*Being home alone.
*Hearing my aunt tell a story, and seeing her get WAY too into it.
*Being outside in the middle of the night, but so warm that you don't even need a jacket.
*Last but certainly not least, the sky. I am utterly obsessed with the sky. Every time you look at it, it's different. Every sunset is unique, and the texture of clouds are always random. I remember one time there was a storm, and half the sky was purple, and the purple swirled together with the storm clouds making a grayish purple monster beside the East mountain line. The middle of the sky was bright blue and the sun was setting making the west a piercing red. I hope you aren't getting too tired of me talking about the sun, I know a few of you might be. But I will never stop talking about the sun, for without it, this world, and all that we know, would be gone.